PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan. PPT visuals include flashcard visuals, memory verses (ESV and KJV) and words to suggested songs.PDFs of lesson text and other helps.Includes additional GNC resources: Word-Up visuals, master planning chart, resource, preschool plan, booklet, Books of the Bible poster, map, time line, time line pictures, map pictures, reproducible coloring sheets and Quiet Time sheets, UPS rules and mission story on Isobel Kuhn.Lesson 1 - Entering the Land: Refusal, Return and Renewal. (Genesis 17:8; Numbers 13--14; Joshua 1:1-3; 3) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5Lesson 2 - Rahab: God Saves a Canaanite Woman (Genesis 15:16, 18; Deteronomy 9:4-5; Joshua 2; 6; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:30-31; 2 Peter 3:9) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5Lesson 3 - The Judges: Rebellion and Rescue Repeated (Judges 2; 3:31; 4, 5:4, 20-21; 13:1-5; 15:9-15; 16:16-30; 21:25) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5Lesson 4 - Gideon: God Gives Guidance and Victory (Judges 6:1-24, 33-40; 7:1-23; 8:10, 33) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:6Lesson 5 - Naomi and Ruth: God Provides a Redeemer (Ruth 1--4; Matthew 1:5) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:6Lesson 6 - Super Review Lesson