Product Description
This 16-page Old Testament Hidden Picture Puzzles features challenging puzzles with well-hidden pictures to help reinforce stories from the Old Testament. For kids, ages 6-10.
Written by Karen Rhodes
Illustrated by Liz Ball
- Adam and Eve were God's creation. (Genesis 1)
- Noah built the ark and the animals came. (Genesis 6)
- Abraham trusted God to provide a sacrifice in place of his son, Isaac. (Genesis 22)
- Jacob was blessed by the message he received in a dream. (Genesis 28)
- Joseph's brothers were jealous of him and his special coat. (Genesis 37)
- God gave Moses the 10 Commandments written on stone tablets.
(Exodus 20) - Gideon and his men defeated the Midianites with trumpets and torches.
(Judges 7) - Samson received new strength from God to save his land. (Judges 13-16:30)
- Young David, with God's help, defeated the giant, Goliath.
(1 Samuel 17) - God sent ravens twice a day to feed Elijah meat and bread.
(1 Kings 17). - Queen Esther saved the Jewish nation with God's help.
(Esther 2) - God sent an angel to protect Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego
from the blazing fire. (Daniel 3) - King Nebuchadnezzer thought he was so important, but ended up living with the animals and eating grass. (Daniel 4)
- God protected Daniel from the lions. (Daniel 6)
Jonah ran away from God and ended up in the sea.
(Jonah 1)
These coloring/activity books are not only fun but also educational. The easy-to-understand text and applicable pictures make Bible stories come alive. Reproducible for home or classroom use.