Product Description
Text book only, flashcards are sold separate see sku# 1702
Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Gen. 1:1-9): Live your life to bring glory to God. Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Gen. 11:27-12:9; Rom. 4) Faith is trusting Jesus alone to be saved. Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 3 - God is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Gen. 12:2; 15-1-6; 17:1-7,15-19l 18:1015; 21:1-7) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Gen. 22:1-14) God has provided a Savior for you. Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1-46; 28:1-5, 10-18; 32:22-32; 33:1-4) Jesus can change you from the inside out. Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 6 - Review Lesson: More Than She Could Imagine missions story